Saturday, January 5, 2013

An Introduction

To My Fellow Potter Friends,

Here's the deal. I'm trying to get this blog up and running, as well as Pinterest, Twitter, and Youtube accounts and an accompanying Facebook page. I guess my hope is to start a community in which, through social media, we can all express our mutual love and passion for the magical world that J.K Rowling penned and was kind enough to share with us almost 15 years ago. 

It's been almost 13 years since I was wise enough to flip through the pages of a certain book. It was one that I was very reluctant to read. Fantasy simply wasn't my thing, though that may be attributed to the fact that I had never in fact read a fantasy book before, and so I only THOUGHT I didn't like them. After much coercing from friends and my pesky little brother, and despite my unwarranted disdain for the fantasy genre, I picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone...and I've never looked back. So detailed is the magical world that J.K. Rowling created, you can't help but fall in love, not only with the things that are typically deemed magical like spells, dragons, three-headed dogs, moving pictures and changing staircases, but with those things that are often overlooked as magical. The most powerful forms of magic in this story stem from the characters and their relationships, from the abundance of life lessons like the importance of choosing to do the right thing when it's easier not to, and most importantly, the knowledge that light overcomes darkness and that sometimes the good guys do win. It was almost 13 years ago that I truly discovered the meaning and the importance of magic, and as cheesy or dramatic as that may doesn't make it any less true.

Even now, at the age of 26, almost 27, J.K Rowling's world has so deeply rooted itself in me, that when I should be moving on from such "childish" things, I simply cannot do it. Instead I find myself recreating props, throwing parties, and now, attempting to start a Harry Potter community. Little did I know then what reading that book would mean for me. 

If you too share a passion for this magical world, for the characters and the creatures, for the places and most importantly the story, then please follow my blog. Then head on over and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. Subscribe on Youtube and "like" my Facebook page. I can't guarantee that I will post something every day, but I think that's okay. It's not about me anyway. It's about us. I want to hear what you love about Harry Potter whether it's through pictures, videos, drawings, trips that you take, projects that you do, or music that you make. Share it with me on Facebook and Twitter. 

Click the buttons at the top-right of the page to go to my other sites, and then tell your friends to do the same. Then after that, or before, I guess it doesn't really matter...let me know in the comments below, how you discovered Harry Potter and what it is you love about the story. I want to know. It doesn't matter if you're young...or not so young. It doesn't matter if you've just been introduced to the story or if you've been reading and following the story for 15 years. We all have this one thing in common. I do realize as I'm writing this that I am only one person, and I have no followers for this blog, so maybe as I send this out into that void that is often the internet, no one will read it. But if you're reading this right now,  I need your help to build this community. Please spread the word to your fellow Potter friends. I know they're out there, so let's bring them here. I know there are already sites out there that are similar to what I'm trying to do, but I find that as no more books are being published, and no more movies are being produced, that updates are dwindling. This is why I'm here. I want to see how Harry Potter is present in your everyday life, and if we all come together and share, then we can be the ones to help keep the magic present in everyone's lives, always.

"When I'm 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I'll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me, ' After all this time?' And I will say, 'Always.' -- Alan Rickman

Upcoming Posts:
My Trip to The WB Harry Potter Studio Tour: London
My Harry Potter Party (with tutorials to follow)

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